Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's funny how things work, isn't it? The worst things in your life can lead to the best, so you really have to make every moment count. I don't know why people tease me, and still call me a freak, but you know what? I don't care. Not anymore. The best thing that has ever happened to me happened because I was teased and alone, and so has the worst. Life's funny like that. And, sometimes, it'll dangle a prize in front of you, such as the best friend ever, and then cruelly snatch it away. Words hurt. I know they do. I've experienced it first hand. But, sometimes, you just have tp go through life with a smile and a wave for everyone anyway, you know?

There's a girl in my theatre arts class named Kaity Gallegos. She's the happiest girl ever, despite one thing: She has brain cancer. She's had it since she was four, and she's fourteen now. The doctors said she wouldn't survive until she was five, and her birthday was only a few months away. Nine years later, she's going through life and isn't letting anything get in her way. She's only got one tumor left. When I asked her, if she had a choice, if she would have gone back in time and prevented herself getting cancer, she said 'No.' She told me that without it, she wouldn't have half the good friends she has now, and that God makes these things happen for a reason. I don't know if she's right, but it makes her happy, doesn't it?

Just a couple of years ago, some boys at Medlin were throwing large rocks at my brother. He picked up a stick to defend himself, and he got suspended while the boys got off scot free. My mom refused to let him go back, and since then the best things in his life have happened. He got a girlfriend, and he gets to go to Sci Fi conventions. He can have his hair however he wants. And, most of all, he isn't teased any more. Once in a while, he even smiles. So, we wouldn't change what happened for anything. Not for anything.

Go ahead, ask me questions.
I'm bored out of my mind at the moment, so I've got some music on permanent loop, and I've decided something.

Everytime I update this, I get no comments. This could be for three reasons: One, no one reads it, two, you're afraid to comment, or three, you can't find the comment button.

I can solve two of these.

One: I'm going to give more people links to it, and hope they give their friends links, and hope those friends comment.

Two: At the end of each update, I'll ask for questions. These can be about anything, such as, for the people who know me, why I'm not putting in everything that's happened to me, or why I leave stuff out, and if you don't know me, or don't want to ask that, you could ask me if certain things have happened to me before, or other stuff. Seriously. Ask me anything, I don't bite.

Three: If you can't find the comment button, you're hopeless, sorry.

So, questions, anyone?